Your journey towards harnessing artificial intelligence has now begun!

Congratulations! You have completed the course. Now you have enough basic knowledge to ideate, plan, and evaluate your own AI use case. For example, could you automate routines, improve customer experience, or create entirely new products or services? Would artificial intelligence help in development projects aimed at achieving climate goals, digital twins, or productivity leaps?

In AI projects, leading and developing is as important as the technology. Fortunately, a wealth of best practices and expertise have been accumulated through these projects, as shown in this course. Technology is no longer accessible to only a few as its price is falling rapidly and there are numerous tools available for developing solutions.

Data is essential for AI and its availability is constantly improving. The built environment is being digitalized at an accelerating rate and access to data is facilitated by joint development projects in both the public and private sectors. In addition, users of the built environment and various sensors are producing an exponentially increasing amount of data.

So, now is the time to take the first steps into AI. We wish you success on your journey.

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